How to control your own mind?

Mind: The faculty of consciousness and thoughts.
Your mind can be your greatest friend if you control it, but if it controls you it can be your greatest enemy.

       If you want to control your mind then you can first concentrate and focus any single at a time. You can't focus and concentrate on anything if you can't understand. The best way to develop concentration is to bring that practice into our everyday life. 
       Look at opportunities through ought your days. The more you practice this, the more you become better concentration. When you are able to concentrate, you are able to focus all your energy into a single given point.
      "Life is a manifestation of where your energy is flowing. And if you can't concentrate your energy, the things that you want to manifest in your life becomes very, very challenging." So learn to concentrate by doing one thing at a time. Bring this practice into everything that you do throughout the day. Make it part of your life.
     When the mind is weak, most situations are problems. When the mind is balanced, some situations are challenging but when the mind is strong, any situation is an opportunity.
If you want to control your mind then at first you clear up your mind and do this:
  • Offer yourself compassion and understanding.
  • Free your mind of self-bashing thoughts.
  • Focus more on what you want our of life.
  • Make efforts to understand others better.
      Mind control is the result of self-discipline and habits. If you have good habits then you choose the right things in the world and you have good health and a good personality. "Control the mind, Control the body."
Self-discipline begins with the mastery of your thoughts. If you don't control what you think, you can't control what you do. You can't win in life if you are lost in your mind. Change your thoughts and it'll change your life. 
Being conscious.Be happy always. Keep smile guys.



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